Breathlessness Breathlessness


North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration


Eating and drinking can be difficult when you are breathless. You may find that your portion sizes are smaller and you eat and drink less frequently which can lead to weakness, fatigue and weight loss.


Why Might I Be Feeling Breathless?

Breathlessness can occur for a number of reasons including anxiety, infection, effects from cancer treatment or cancer of the lung, compression from another cancer site on to your windpipe or due to a build up of fluid in your abdomen (also known as ascites).

If your breathlessness is new or untreated contact your healthcare team to discuss ways to manage this.

Why is it Important to Eat and Drink Well When I am Feeling Breathless?

Your body needs energy to function, this includes breathing. When you are breathless your body uses more energy.

It is therefore important that you and eat and drink enough so that your body gets the energy that it needs.

Here are some tips to help make it easier to get the energy your body needs when you are breathless;

Choose Small Portions to Eat and Drink Throughout the Day

Take your time eating and drinking, take small mouthfuls and chew your food well.

Choose Soft Foods

It can take a lot of time and use lots of energy to finish a meal when you are feeling breathless. You may find it easier to get the nourishment that you need from soft and moist foods as they require less chewing.


Breathlessness can make you feel very tired and fatigued. Click here for information that may help to make eating and drinking with fatigue easier including;

·       Using meal delivery services

·       Using ready meals, tinned or packet foods

·       Arrange support from services for tasks you feel less able to do yourself

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Choose Drinks High in Calories

It can use a lot of time and energy to take a meal when you are feeling breathless. If your appetite is reduced, you are losing weight without meaning to or if your portion sizes are smaller, you may find it easier to get the nourishment that you need from drinks that are high in calories. Click here for more information on drinks high in calories and here for information on appetite loss.

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Medication and Dry Mouth

You may use inhalers or oxygen therapy to help with your breathing. This can often make your mouth feel dry. You may also notice changes to your taste. This can occur as a result of a dry mouth. Click here for some tips to help you eat and drink better when you have a dry mouth or click here for changes to your taste.


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Avoid smoking

Smoking affects your ability to breathe normally. If you smoke it is advisable for you to try to cut down or stop. More information and support is available here.