Eating Disorders Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration

Eden Unit and Eating Disorders Network

Clinical Lead:  Dr Lesley Pillans

Network Manager: Linda Keenan – 

The Managed Clinical Network was set up in 2006 and at that point had several aims and objectives including the intentions to:

·         Network across the North of Scotland

·         Develop a website

·         Promote up to date, evidence-based clinical practice

·         Define, update and resource Care pathways in and out of outpatient, day patient and inpatient care.

·         Monitoring the use of inpatient care

·         Design, establish and maintain an NHS Regional inpatient Eating Disorders Unit

·         Provide clinical advice and support for clinicians throughout the North of Scotland (via the Clinical Lead).

·         Develop opportunities for training and supervision

·         Establish and maintain a quality assurance sub-group

·         Implement a core set of Questionnaires to be used in services across North Scotland

·         Support the development of audit and research

·         Develop resources for teaching students and trainees of all disciplines throughout the region

·         Produce and update resources for patients and carers across the region. 

This list is a slightly re-ordered summary of the Core Principles for Networks, contained in the Scottish Executive Department of Health document ‘Introduction of Managed Clinical Networks within the NHS in Scotland’ NHS MEL (1999) 10.  That same document acknowledged that ‘the network should be seen as a dynamic system, the design and function of which can change as relationships develop and medicine advances’.

Minutes of Steering Group Meetings

Click on a link below to see the minutes of our MCN Steering Group meetings

MCN Minutes - 21.09.22.pdf

MCN Minutes - 14.06.23.pdf

MCN Minutes - 20.09.23.pdf

Useful Links

Beat - 

Eating Disorders Education and Training Scotland - 





Page updated 6th July 2023